Style Guide- Family

Wear something that you LOVE, so you feel great and super confident when you put it on
Pick your outfit first then pick the rest of the family around what you're wearing. Eg if you're wearing a top with blue, pink and yellow, then you might dress your daughter in a yellow dress, and your son in a blue shirt. Pinterest is a great way to look for family-style combinations.
Dress the family in similar tones, making sure they complement skin and hair colour
Wear solid colours, avoid clothing with busy patterns, logos, black and neon
Dress for the weather conditions and the right footwear for our location
Accessorize with a hat, scarf, necklace, or earrings (limit it to a statement piece)
Hair, consider having it done professionally in the week prior to your photoshoot
Makeup, wear your everyday look but highlight your favourite features
BE YOU, the photoshoot is to capture the emotions and connection of your family